The Process of Narrative Writing Modelled

In class today, our lecturer modelled how to effectively incorporate the elements of a narrative writing to pen a piece.  The previous class, the lecturer taught the elements of a narrative piece, which are:  the characters, the setting, the plot, the problem and the solution.  Today's class discussion concentrated on brainstorming ideas and designing each element for development of a perfect piece.  It was very interesting to see each element come alive.

Oftentimes, students are only taught about the elements but no immediate step by step process of incorporating the elements are modelled to primary students.  We can testify to this having been primary students.  During our primary school years, not once have we had a teacher that modelled the elements to us.  After this session, we have even asked ourselves what it would be like if we had gotten this experience at an early age.  Would we have already become accomplished writers?  Would we have already authored an array of books?  Since this experience many questions keep flooding our minds.  Oh, the potential impact that modelling can have during instruction:  It is limitless!  

We must admit that the lecturer did an exceptional job.  Thanks to the lecturer, now, we can confidently instruct our future students how to brainstorm ideas pertaining to each element of a narrative piece and how to put all these ideas together to formulate a coherent narrative piece.  We also have a much greater desire to ensure that all our future students perform extraordinary at penning narrative pieces.  Thanks to the brilliant modelled delivery.  Excellence:  the key to success!  We have purposed in our hearts to not only use the modelling strategy in writing but in all subject areas.

Below are pictures depicting each element and the descriptions or ideas that were outlined for each element while the lecturer was modeling how to create a narrative piece.

It was very refreshing to see how each element described above fitted so perfectly into the narrative story.  It is important to note that first the topic for the narrative piece was selected then the ideas brainstormed for each element were in line with the topic.  Below are the three short paragraphs of the narrative piece that was created from the ideas that were brainstormed during the modelling session.  Compare the paragraphs with the ideas brainstormed for the elements.  What similarities can you see? 

As I peeped through the cracks of the wooden window, I knew that it was going to be a perfect day.  Without delay, I put on my boots and rushed outside to soak the forty banana plants my father gave me.  As soon I was ready to begin, I noticed some gray clouds forming in the mid sky.  
After waiting five minutes for the rain to stop.  I decided to begin cutting the tall green grass behind my home.  I was always told that there were poisonous snakes but today, I had no mercy on the grass or any snake at all.  For a moment, I thought that my fear of snakes has disappeared.  Paying no attention to the deep holes beneath the stones, I began ploughing to get ready for planting.  
After ten minutes the ground was ready to receive the five fingers of my metal fork.  At my first attempt, I saw a long creature that looked like a boa, so I decided to chase it away using the fork.  To my surprise, the creature coiled up it's body and assumed an attacking position.  I knew instantly that it was not a boa but a poisonous snake.  

The video below, "How to Write Narrative" by Jeremy Thompson provides more in-depth narrative modelling that teachers can utilize. 

Below are two websites providing detailed information regarding the five elements of a story.


  1. I think that this lesson was the best thus far. The lecturer modeled and went through every detail with regards to narrative writing. After this lesson, I was well on way to writing an excellent narrative piece. Moreover, writing a good narrative piece should include all the elements illustrated above. Also, these elements are to be carefully thought out before beginning to write your narrative piece.

    The video was very informative and went more in-depth with narrative writing. Narrative writing is more appealing when there are pictures or images related to the piece in order to cater to the diverse needs of the students especially the visually learners.

    Besides, your points were well thought out and the use of the video and websites helped me understand narrative writing thoroughly.

    Written by: Michaela Canchion

  2. I too can testify in my years of schooling , my teacher never modelled writing. This may have been the reason why I was not good at writing . However now that my lecturer has modelled writing , I am now better writer and this will help me become a better teacher.

    Nasha John

  3. This was the first time i have actually gone through a writing process. During this lesson i have learned more than i have throughout my entire days at primary and secondary school. I plan on using a similar method to teach writing when i go back to my classroom.
    The lesson was very interactive and all of us the students were involved in creating the story. The lecturer was able to get our creative juices flowing and we were able to create a beautiful piece of writing while going through the process.

  4. I love how you were able to relay the session's occurrences so vividly through this entry. What I love most about these LIT102 classes is that at every turn, the lecturer is able to make the experience more meaningful because of her dedication to modelling. Through the modeling done in this session I was able to see how teaching narrative writing using the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model can be successfully tailored to suit any grade level when teaching writing.

  5. This was one of my best LIT 102 classes my course lecturer took her time and modeled the proper practice of narrative writing. This was my first time in my entire school life journey I was able to go through the writing process. Hats off to my course lecturer for a job well done. This has inspired me as an educator to model to my students the proper way when writing a narrative piece. Also the video embedded in the post and websites was very enlightening used will assist me to in understanding narrative writing a lot better. I am looking forward going back to the classroom to make a difference and to make writing fun and exciting for my students.

  6. Hats off to you Michele for encapsulating the lesson succinctly and exuding the essentials details from this lesson. The modelling of how to teach narrative writing was really and truly refreshing. As a teacher of writing I must be able to transfer the knowledge of narrative writing to the practical aspect. The modelling of this process was beneficial to me and if I may speak to an extent, my classmates. I also appreciated when we were asked to create a Story map with a partner. This encouraged the sharing of ideas with each other. After the lecturer had modeled, she allowed us to replicate a story map following the one she had created. I think this is one element in teaching writing that is missing. Many times teachers do not make use of the gradual release of responsibility when it comes to writing and as a result the teaching and learning process becomes ineffective. Having the students practice what is modeled is one aspect of the teaching of writing that I will inculcate in the classroom upon return. This was one of the most rewarding and fruitful classes because of the modelling done and use of group work for practice to cement our learning.

    Written by Soria Cornibert

  7. As I read through your post I could not help but reminisce on my thoughts and feelings after this lesson as you captured all the elements in your writing so well. Wow! Was what I said at the end of this class. How easy my lecturer made teaching writing! I can do this now I thought!
    It was a thrilling experience listening to my classmates read their narratives given an opportunity after our lecturer had modelled so well. These pieces were so well written capturing all the elements of a narrative. The story map made it so much easier to write. I believe we are better prepared teachers!

  8. Modelling is one of the best ways teach narrative writing. Although students have stories that they would like to share, most times they lack organization, flow and ideas that makes reading their pieces less interesting. Therefore, if a teacher models, the students can see how they go about writing narrative pieces and how they can make their pieces better.

    Noelita Tench

  9. Modelling to students provides them an opportunity to see or know what is expected from the teacher. This session really had me engaged as the lecturer modeled in putting the elements of the story together in order to have a well articulated piece using the writing process. I was able to see organization in putting the elements of a story together which will help students have a well put together piece at the end of the writing process. Good piece!
    Written by: Abigail Bascombe

  10. This session enlightened me of narrative writing, I am better able to understand the components of the narrative piece which includes the charcters, setting, plot and theme. they all play a specific role in creating a beautiful piece of narration. Every narrative piece must have a problem and solution.


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